Not an issue until you begin playing TE and seeing the AI fail hard frequently. The AI unforced errors didn't seem too bad of a problem, as per game they made 3-4 to my 8ish. You go to volley in the beginning of career mode (you don't expect to win but you expect to put pressure on the opponent at least) and 9/10 times a perfect passing shot either over your head or down a particular line will be made, inch perfect too mind! The insane shots the AI makes is infuriating. Of course, with some RT-top spin (eg aggressive shots) Nadal can score winners, but this is simply unrealistic. I tested this pitting Nadal against some poorly ranked men (should have tried the women too see if it were possible!) and it ends up the same game basically.

Every match no matter the difficulty or player match up, ends up as 20-30 hits per rally. Actually works sometimes too, it's not just for decoration, some randomness is coded into the system, would be great if it were a bit more haphazard (the lines people) so that the challenge system would be a bit more high stakes. THERE ARE CHALLENGES! I've dreamt of this being a thing, and now it is. Volleying is so much simpler as well as smashes. I'm just used to Top Spin and so AO2's way of handling shots seems better in the beginning. Though it becomes frustrating once you understand how TE works. Mechanics of timing seem more intuitive to pick up and play.

TE has most ads present, though with very odd mirroring of the serve speed though this is due to the mod. The shade of blue chosen matches perfectly, unlike TE. The referee's head even moves left and right as you hit and receive balls, great! I find it cute they even have the Guojiao1573 ads that are newish, with KIA being a staple for many years now. The immersion factor here is big, not from a gameplay perspective, but from the way the courts perfectly mirror the AO! Character progression is an extremely long grind for little pay off, as explained in the "bad" part, who you play as doesn't necessarily matter nor do your stats, if you play against AI you will end up rallying baseline most of the time, with a few lucky volleys if you can a) land them b) not succumb to insane AI passing shots. The menus are clean, career mode (outside of play) is at least interesting. Though after a while, the differences show in the animation more than anything else. I found these two games to exist, and after more than 20hours on each over the last few days, I believe I'm in a position to comment on the differences. I have fond memories of Top Spin 3 and wished to capture something similar on PC. With the AO on right now, I've been caught up with tennis fever and wanted to dip into tennis games again.